Fullmetal Alchemist Episode 1 Anime Freak
Backseat Anime Watching Boku No Pico Episode 1 Heavily Censored I DO NOT RECOMMAND ANYONE TO WATCH THIS VIDEO. This contains sexual reference and coarse language, its crude and disrespectful and in terrible taste. Watch Summer Of 8 Putlocker. Youd best spend 3. I deeply apologize if the giant Misty head gets in your way, thats the best i can do honestly. Watch Magicians: Life In The Impossible Putlocker. However im describing in code words whats happening in the episode. I could have gone ahead and just put my face with no back visual or audio, but i figured it would have been a little boring. This way i keep it family friendly kinda and you get to see my reaction to the content. I truly hope you enjoy this because it was hell to watch. Im hoping you will enjoy it just as much. KEEP IN MIND That is all i NEED to say. The thumbnail is from Boku no Pico obviously. All the songs playing throughout the episode with the exception of the theme song for Boku no Pico, comes from Tobu, make sure to visit his channel if you like the soundtrack that was playing in the background. I have my face in the corner to add commentary and expression to this review and also bring my own touch to this episode. Clearly i cant just put the episode raw without running into troubles with copyright and what not. Speaking of Copyrights, obviously everything belongs to their respective owner with the exception of my face cause thats mine, my comments and some pictures that were done by myself. Sorry if i didnt end up looking exactly how you guys imagine me to be. Hopefully my mug isnt that distasteful. Happy episode watching For those still wondering about my accent im French Canadian my english is not perfect but it has to do. Not everybody is at the same point in a series and some people have simply not even started that show and ruining it for someone else is just in poor taste. I will leave the hate comments towards me cause they dont bother me at all you guys are entitled to think i suck, but the wars between users will be moderated, lets keep it friendly guys. Im canadian so i dont get that one Follow me on facebook https www. All my still images are from http www. All right belongs to their rightful creators and some extra are from good ole Google. Lion Episode 22. 100 Pascalsensei Episode 7. ACCA 13ku Kansatsuka Episode 12. Alice to Zouroku Episode 8.