Mash Season 5 Episode 22


Bill Pullmans Independence Day Commencement Address May Be the Best of the SeasonTis the season for graduation. Watch Mega Shark Vs. Mecha Shark Online Goodvideohost. That means commencement addresses. There are the ones by politicians which stir up controversy, the ones by comedians that go viral by being funny, and then there are the vast majorityboring speeches that the mostly drunk grads will never remember. Bill Pullman found another route. Saturday, Pullman gave the address at Warren Wilson College. And here is a man who knows he will never give a speech as good or as famous as the one written for him in Independence Day. So, of course, he quoted it. Do not go gently into that good night. MAH is a 19721983 American television series developed by Larry Gelbart, adapted from the 1970 feature film MASH which was itself based on the 1968 novel MASH. MgbtIp' alt='Mash Season 5 Episode 22' title='Mash Season 5 Episode 22' />Mash Season 5 Episode 22Inspired by the 1970 film of the same name and the novel MASH A Novel About Three Army Doctors by Richard Hooker, the CBSTV series MS was about a team of.