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The Free Dictionarykind 1 (kīnd)adj. Having or showing a friendly, generous, sympathetic, or warm- hearted nature.

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Agreeable or beneficial: a dry climate kind to asthmatics. Synonyms: kind. 1, kindly, kindhearted, benign, benevolent. These adjectives mean having or showing a tender, considerate, and helping nature. Kind and kindly are the least specific: thanked her for her kind letter; a kindly gentleman. Kindhearted especially suggests an innately kind disposition: a kindhearted teacher. Benign implies gentleness and mildness: benign intentions; a benign sovereign. Benevolent suggests charitableness and a desire to promote the welfare or happiness of others: a benevolent contributor.

A group of individuals or instances sharing common traits; a category or sort: different kinds of furniture; a new kind of politics. A doubtful or borderline member of a given category: fashioned a kind of shelter; a kind of bluish color. Archaica. Underlying character as a determinant of the class to which a thing belongs; nature or essence. The natural order or course of things; nature.

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Manner or fashion. Obsoletea. Lineal ancestry or descent.

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Lineal ancestors or descendants considered as a group. Idioms: all kinds of.

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Informal Plenty of; ample: We have all kinds of time to finish the job. With produce or commodities rather than with money: pay in kind. In the same manner or with an equivalent: returned the slight in kind.

Informal Rather; somewhat: I'm kind of hungry. Of the same kind; alike: My father and my uncle are two of a kind. Usage Note: The words kind, sort, and type can be troublesome when they are used with plural nouns and modifiers. Watch In The Line Of Fire Online Mic on this page.

Sentences like I hate these kind of movies may occur with some frequency but are awkward, and some would say, grammatically incorrect. The Usage Panel frowns upon these usages. In our 2. 00. 5 survey, 8.

Those kind of buildings seem old- fashioned. Fully 8. 8 percent of the Panel found unacceptable the use of kind with a singular modifier and plural noun and verb in That kind of buildings seem old fashioned. In these examples kind would presumably function as a determiner like number in A great number of people have crowded into the lobby. Note that number here is singular, but the plural verb have agrees with the plural noun people, so number is not really the subject of the sentence). This problem can be avoided by making the phrase entirely singular (as in That kind of movie is always enjoyable) or by revising so that the noun is the plural subject (as in Movies of that kind are always enjoyable).

Bear in mind that plural kinds often implies that the phrase refers to a number of different categories of things—more than one genre of movie, for example. Perhaps the best solution is to drop the kind phrase entirely (Those movies are always enjoyable) or to be specific (Those spy movies are always enjoyable). Old English gecynde natural, native; see kind.

I figured it out. Kind of. [Old English gecynd nature; compare Old English cyn kin, Gothic kuni race, Old High German kikunt, Latin gens]Usage: The mixture of plural and singular constructions, although often used informally with kind and sort, should be avoided in serious writing: children enjoy those kinds (not those kind) of stories; these sorts (not these sort) of distinctions are becoming blurredkind. Middle English kind(e) natural, well- disposed, Old English gecynde natural]kind. The vines formed a kind of roof. Archaic. a. natural disposition or character. Obs. gender; sex. Idioms: 1. in kind, a.

Informal. to some extent; somewhat; rather: It's kind of dark. Middle English kinde, Old English gecynd nature, race, origin; c. Old High German kikunt, Old Norse kyndi, Latin gēns (genitive gentis); akin to kin]usage: The phrase these (or those) kindof, followed by a plural noun (these kind of flowers; those kind of shoes) is frequently condemned as ungrammatical because it is said to combine a plural demonstrative (these; those) with a singular noun, kind. Historically, kind is an unchanged or unmarked plural noun like deer, folk, sheep, and swine, and the construction thesekindof is an old one, occurring in the writings of Shakespeare, Swift, Jane Austen, and, in modern times, Winston Churchill and Jimmy Carter. In edited, more formal prose, thiskindof and thesekindsof are more common. This construction too is often considered incorrect and appears mainly in less formal speech and writing.

Sales have been kind (or sort) of slow these last few weeks. You use kind to talk about a class of people or things. Kind is a countable noun. After words like all and many, you use kinds, not 'kind'.

It will give you an opportunity to meet all kinds of people. The trees were filled with many kinds of birds. After kinds of you can use either the plural or singular form of a noun.

For example, you can say 'I like most kinds of cars' or 'I like most kinds of car'. The singular form is more formal. People have been working hard to produce the kinds of courses that we need. There will be two kinds of certificate.

After kind of you use the singular form of a noun. I'm not the kind of person to get married. She makes the same kind of point in another essay. In conversation, these and those are often used with kind. For example, people say 'I don't like these kind of films' or 'I don't like those kind of films'. This use is generally thought to be incorrect, and it is best to avoid it. Instead you should say 'I don't like this kind of film' or 'I don't like that kind of film'.

There are problems with this kind of explanation. How will we answer that kind of question? In more formal English, you can also say 'I don't like films of this kind'. This is the best way of interpreting data of this kind. You can also use like this, like that, or like these after a noun. For example, instead of saying 'this kind of film', you can say 'films like this'. I hope we see many more enterprises like this.

I'd read a few books like that. Companies like these represent an important part of our economy. Sort is used in a similar way to kind. You can also use kind of to describe something in a vague or uncertain way.